Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Employment interferes with my life as a blogger... =)

I'm feeling out of touch here but the upside is, I've been busy on a variety of tasks. Thanks Judith for the Texas Autism Advocacy link. I've joined and received a lot of feedback. Perhaps a loop hole could be through Medically Dependent Children Program for Medicaid. I'm looking into that and I am waiting on more info from the DMR last week with regards to further guidance for placement. I'm also looking into a behavioral treatment program.

In the meantime, I am working on professional goals and maybe a new living arrangement.

On another note, Miguel is getting sick again. He was up at 0430 spinning and was in the tub by 0500. This will be our fourth consecutive week of passing cooties. :\

Just for record keeping, Miguel had a meltdown Friday night on the way home from respite. He attacked me coming in the door. He managed to cut my lip in the process. Uncle Jason intervened and the issue was resolved in a more timely manner than usual. It was also helpful that it happened at the end of the day, when all that is left is sleep.
Yeah, I'm sick.
"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else."
--Will Rogers

1 comment:

Casdok said...

I have a veriety of scares! Each one has a story to tell!
Hope Miguel feels better soon.