Monday, February 25, 2008

Miguel is sick.

Today was my first vacation day and Miguel went to the nurse's office for a low grade fever. =( Miguel hit the nurse in the chest while visiting her office. I wasn't able to be reached, so Uncle Jason showed up, with 4 other firemen in a fire truck, to keep Miguel company until I got there. :)

I took him to the pediatrician, who Miguel slapped in the face while visiting. His check up was fine. Just a bug that will probably keep him out of school the rest of the week, also known as my last vacation for the next 6 months.

On the upside, I contacted MHMRA and they will try to squeeze Migs in for a DMR Wednesday morning. They will call me tomorrow for confirmation. =)

"Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body."
--Joseph Addison


TheFiveDays said...

AAAARGH!!! I am so sorry you have to spend your vacation this way! It makes me think of my little sister who got chicken pox the first day of Christmas break from school. Just not fair!


Judith U. said...

Checking in ... How did everything go?

Casdok said...

Great quote!! Just have to remember it!