Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Autism Speaks

An article from the Sunday edition of Parade...

The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.49 to Autism Speaks for *each time* this video is viewed. The funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. They are aiming for 10,000 hits. Let's send it out to our families.

Today: This morning Miguel was up at 0200 and did not go back to sleep. His mood was average and he fussed getting to the bus.

Yesterday: I spoke with the school social worker re: follow up on placement options and resources with super long waiting lists. Here's the progress I have made since we last spoke.....

I put Miguel on a waiting list for Home Based Community Services last week. He will wait for 8-10 years to be serviced

I also put him on the waiting list for a program called CLASS, which would help out with Miguel in the home, personal attendant type stuff (self-care, mobility, feeding, etc.) and this will be a 6 year waiting list.

I am looking into placement options for group home or ICF. I started this process yesterday. As I see it, Miguel has been manageable but we are also clear of the holidays and back to a normal schedule....Spring Break is right around the corner and we'll see what that brings. In the meantime, I am going to continue researching this so when the time comes, I may be more prepared.

"I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches."
--Alice Roosevelt Longworth


TheFiveDays said...

It's crazy that those waits are so long. You are getting a lot done, though...Go mom!!!

I love the Five for Fighting site. Although visiting it always makes me CRY!!!

Kel and Migs said...

Don't get me started on crying... I can only read fact-based material about Autism. Once I start reading about parent's struggles with Autism, I have to put it down and walk away otherwise, I'd be a mess.

Have you heard the song by Mark Leland, "Missing Pieces"? You should visit his MySpace page. He supports Autism and the troops. There is a very eloquent blurb on his page about people with disposable incomes and living a good, whole life... Yeah, I cry reading that, too.