This was Miguel at 0650.

I am guessing it is probably because he was up at 0315! He did fall back to sleep at 0500 but, man, he was a hard sell to starting the day. No aggression. Just screaming. I'm sure Uncle Jason has a bit of regret on these mornings. =)
"It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich."
--Henry Ward Beecher
1 comment:
I found your blog after seeing your comment on Judith's. I am SO, so glad I stopped by and got to know you and handsome Mr. Miguel! I have spent the past hour in a trance reading the whole thing from the beginning.
First, let me are AMAZING. Truly, truly amazing. I know you don't hear this from Miguel but I do hope you hear it hundreds, thousands of times a day from everyone else. You ROCK.
What a journey you and your guy have been on. I am fascinated with your story! And I am adding you to my prayer list...I am hoping your new neurologist can work with you to get Miguel on a more even keel.
Get used to seeing my name, I'll be checking in often to see how you are doing. And tell Miguel he has some new friends in California!
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