I recently posted that Miguel was a bit difficult Monday after school and he was a bit feisty over the weekend (amped up, spastic, assertive, etc.).

Tuesday morning and evening, he was fine.
Wednesday morning he didn't want to wake up, get out of bed, put his shoes on or go to school. He swung (more like jabs) at me a couple times down the hallway and on the stairs, jabbed at me with his shoes and tried to kick me a couple times and wasn't compliant with me holding his hand (he'd push his thumbnail into my hand or just pull away with force).
In short, he was angry and frustrated. Surprisingly, a banana appeased him and we were able to move on with our day.
School reported that he was GREAT at school Wednesday. (????) That's weird.
Wednesday night and Thursday morning he was great, too. However, school reported similar defiance that I experienced Wednesday morning at school on Thursday.
Miguel's mood can be described as volatile but I can never pinpoint the precipitant or the cure......that's my deep thought for the day.
So, let's talk about last night.... I took Migs to the bathroom around midnight and after I put Miguel to bed, I heard him "coo-ing". I then assume, "crap, he's up until morning and then he'll probably fall back asleep at 0630 and be difficult to get ready." Much to my surprise, he fell asleep! I woke up in the middle of the night and turn over to see the back of his head on my other pillow....which freaked me out because I was groggy and he appeared to be a grown man! LOL!!! I quickly came to my senses, noticing it was my beefcake, and I wonder how he crawled over me, got under the blankets and stole my good pillow!!
He is stealthy. :) I don't know how much longer my bed will hold out with us meaty monsters in it, mind you, it's a daybed. Yeah, that's right. A twin sized daybed supporting more weight than it was manufactured to support, I am sure. :)
(This pic was from when he was sick in May 2007 and inconsolable. It is a brief glimpse of peace before he wakes.)
Newest development: When I say, "I love you." He responds, "I love you, too!" He sounds all sing-songy and CUTE!!! 12/11/07 I'm working on him responding to "how are you (doing)?"
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