The majority and, sometimes, only challenges of being a parent of a special child is dealing with "everyone else".
"Everyone else" includes, but is not restricted to, pharmacies, doctors, specialists, store patrons, restaurant patrons, insurance companies, local school district employees, local service providers, plain ol' stupid people, the ignorant and the ridiculous. I haven't captured "everyone else" in this description....but it is a solid start!
So, Migs has woken up grumpy the past 4 days. Just irritable, difficult (to say the least), stubborn and crabby and I'd like to relate these symptoms to the poor guy not getting his evening dose of Clonidine.
A side bar to my train of thought: I attribute all of Miguel's behaviors, attitudes or moods to a response to his natural environment and Autism. So, it boils down to symptomology and not "Miguel". I don't believe Miguel acts this way out of choice. I don't believe anyone would act this way by choice alone....that is ridiculous. So, anything he "exhibits" is a "symptom to his environment", which could be a stranger coming in the house, changing locations in a restaurant (from the waiting area to the table), running out of a certain item at the dinner table, getting out of the car and going inside somewhere, leaving somewhere and going outside, getting off the swing, getting out of a pool, a locked bathroom door and recently "just getting up" seems to be a mood altering factor. Living with Miguel is quite an analytical experience. Once you understand the "experience of Miguel", your view on life or situations change dramatically. For example, I told my good friend that Miguel attacked an assistant at school and her response was, "uh-oh, what did they do?" Not to excuse the assaultive behavior or say that the assistant deserved it, but she understands that certain things in Miguel's universe can't be messed with or he may explode in an aggressive manner. Nuff said.
Back to Clonidine and the absence of.... The poor dude has been out of Clonidine for over a week now. Partially due to me being an idiot and partially due to the doctor being an incompetent ass. So I have been working on fixing this small--turned ENORMOUS--detail in his life and, in the meantime, it appears as though he is maybe not sleeping sound enough to wake up in a good mood--that's my best guess. He has wet his bed (there is plastic covering over the mattress for all you clean freaks, like myself, out there) 3 nights in a row and he woke up in a piss and vinegar mood for the past 4 mornings.
Now, I can REALLY APPRECIATE an early morning, piss and vinegar mood more than most (seriously, I can) but not from this sweet guy. Not when I have to get him dressed and on the bus at 0700. No sir.
So, I am trying to get this whole prescription dilemma rectified so he can go back to being sweet but, more importantly, tolerable and to sidestep any future issues with this neurologist....I scheduled an appointment with another one and I hope for competency and understanding.
Keep your fingers crossed!
Newest development: Miguel knocks (usually on the kitchen table) and then asks "who is it?" :)
Oh, my heart leaps up... :)
"Love takes up where knowledge leaves off."-- Saint Thomas Aquinas
why does your pug dog have an upside down lampshade on his head? reminds me of MJ- poor booger.
I thought of MJ, too!!! Yeah, he had an ulcerated something (in his eye) from rough play with the 2 dogs in the house. He's better now and free of the E-collar! Poor baby.
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