Two weeks ago, I was under the weather. Last week, Miguel was sick. This week, Pepto is our new BFF! =) Aside from the common case of the yuckies, Miguel had his DMR yesterday. It took 4 hours and thankfully I brought a lot of snacks.
Miguel was very angry and upset for 90% of the process, probably because it was out of his regular routine and he didn't know what was going on. Nonetheless, he is usually great for appointments. Any excuse to play hookie is fine by Miguel. Yesterday, this was not the case and it made for an exhausting and stressful day.
So the verdict is, Miguel is Autistic. Duh. ;) and Profoundly Mentally Retarded. I think the label is awkward b/c I don't see him as MR, let alone PROFOUNDLY. He is sly as a cat, yet, super Autistic and a bit of a pain in the neck....but this is not a label that will get him services.
Now that he has the DMR, I can look into placement more and Miguel will be put on another waiting list for other services. I am also researching the Parental Rights portion of placement.
I stumbled across your blog while "googling" triathlon training...go figure. I live in Davis, CA, and my neighbor is a parent of an autistic 8 year-old boy. Albeit, his autism is relatively calm compared to some other cases that I have seen, and definitely to some of the stories that I read in your blog. I don't want to bore you with any further details...I just want to say that you are the most amazing person I have ever "encountered". To handle an autistic child is a chore (I can only empathize) and for the child to be visually impaired as well makes your mountain seem like Everest. Stay strong and let the love that you have for Miguel keep you on track.
WOW, Mikey P! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It meant a lot.
Your neighbor is a super lucky person!! 1. to have you as a neighbor and 2. to have a sweet boy.
Thanks again and keep "tri-ing". It is soooo addictive. :)
You may think this is a bit wierd, but I enjoy the taste and texture of pepto...
And yes Mikey P said it all...
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