Nothing was wrong, according to the labs and the pediatrician.
THEN on 3/19 Miguel came down with a cold and he just started to get over it last night, which was the first night he slept through until morning. In fact, Tuesday night he didn't fall asleep until 0500. :( How I function is sooooooo beyond me.
Anyhoo, tomorrow is his regular follow up with his endocrinologist. Thankfully, no labs have to be taken. :)
In summary, the past month and 3 days Miguel has been sick for 17 days. Poor baby. That sucks. As of yesterday, I started to come down with a cold, or allergies. I am not sure. :\
So, I've decided to post a lot of pictures in celebration of sleep and feeling better!!!
Miguel and his after school staff back in Illinois. The girl to his left is Amanda Massong, his super nanny and my only saving grace while getting my Master's.