As scheduled, Saturday started at 0530-ish. Miguel and I were up and ready for a road trip to New Braunfels to watch Uncle Jason race for the first time this season. Per my last blog, I was going to "fiddle" with the Clonidine a bit because it wasn't doing what I had intended it to do. In fact, it was doing the oppposite by waking him up earlier and in a spastic, "punchy" sort of mood.
Last week, I tried going back to the 1 Clonidine at night, instead of 2, which had him sleep through the night BUT he was HELLFIRE during the day.
Saturday, per the prescription of giving 2 Clonidine, I gave one at night and one in the morning. Which KNOCKED MIGUEL OUT by 0710!!!! (See him in the back...)
I find this to be nothing less than HILARIOUS because it takes an elephant tranquilizer to even slow him down. LMAO!!!!

Back in December, when I considered giving him away or shippping him to China, I thought "it'd be great to have a tranquilizer gun for Miguel when the meltdowns occurred" because it is like experiencing pure evil when this boy meltsdown.

Needless to say, the 1 Clonidine in the morning is completely unnecessary.
Oh, I was caught taking pictures while navigating Uncle Jason's car.....back to business. :)
The rest of the day Saturday, Miguel was difficult to manage...he walked out on to the race course at one point.
Psst...great job single mom! Way to mind the boy! I am sure I made the 9 o'clock single mom news, on how irresponsible we can be. Not my finest hour.
By 1500, Miguel was more than ready to leave. He was screaming and whipping himself in the head with his cane, which is a friendly reminder that he has had enough for the day.
We went to eat at Chili's, where Miguel scared the crap out of the patrons with his screaming, crying and headbutting of the table. Gosh, it's moments like these I could trade for multiple root canals without anestesia.
After we were in the car for about 10 minutes, the crying and screaming stopped. We slept hard through the night and Sunday I tried splitting the Clonidine in half.
It was still too strong for him. He was also screaming and fussing a lot on Sunday. We almost didn't make it to church and I am lucky we were able to make it to the grocery store.
This morning, I tried giving the extra pill of Risperdal and 86-ing the idea of 2 Clonidine. Miguel was up a little after 0400 today. He wet the bed. He did on Saturday, too.
Miguel was fussy today but manageable.
I'll try the extra Risperdal tomorrow morning, too.
The beauty of behavioral meds is that they have different effects on different people. Sometimes it's the matter of time of administration or halfing a dose, as long as you work within the prescribed dose. Behavioral meds have to be "tweaked" to suit each individual.
As for today, I started calling around to a couple of possible placements....which all have waiting lists and criteria for placement....I'm hopeful, though.
"Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand."
--Saint Thomas Aquinas
Can I just tell you that I grew up in a little town not far from New Braunfels called Seguin. That's probably why Miguel was having a tough time at Chili's. He really just wanted to see the world's largest pecan...
Stay strong. I'm thinking about you...
That's HILARIOUS!! We passed a sign for Seguin, however, it failed to mention the World's Largest Pecan. Which, I am sure, is a HUGE selling point for visiting Seguin! :)
Thanks for your thoughts and stopping by!
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