The "dr" and "rn" are back at work after their "peer review board" BUT! the Texas Medical Board has decided to investigate because of the complaint.
Faith in humanity and laws......RESTORED!!!!!
The best part of it is, the "peer review board" was confidential and I was not allowed to participate or give my timeline of events, whereas, the Texas Medical Board has called me for my timeline, perception and a notarized statement.
TMB is good!!! ;) Poor investigator that called.....she got an earful and an 8-page, single space recollection of the events detailed with names, times, contact info.......This mother doesn't mess around when it comes to the welfare of her boy!!!
I am only able to do this because of my fantastic State Representative and his staff, who have continued to follow this case from day one. I have received updates from his staff, informing me of what is happening and what is going on. They connected me into the Texas Medical Board and provided them with my contact info, otherwise, the investigation may have been one-sided and incomplete.
"The less people know about how sausages and laws are made,
the better they'll sleep at night."
-Otto von Bismarck